Everything You Need to Know About Clean Water

Clean water is something that we all take for granted. However, not everyone has access to clean water; even those of us who do sometimes don't think about how important it is until something goes wrong. 

Clean water is a necessity for human life. It's important to drink clean water and use it for hygiene purposes. But what is considered clean water? Here are some facts about clean water that you may not have known.

so What Is Clean Water?

Clean water is defined as drinkable and safe to use for cleaning. It does not contain chemicals or bacteria that can cause illness or disease. Clean drinking water is free from contaminants, including microorganisms, toxins, heavy metals, radioactive particles, and salinity at levels above the WHO guideline limits for human consumption.  

Clean drinking water is important for keeping our bodies healthy and free from disease. But clean water isn't just necessary for humans - it's also crucial for our environment. All forms of life need clean water to survive, so when our waterways become polluted, it has a negative impact on all living things. 

How To Know If Water Is Contaminated?

If you are questioning the safety of your water, there are a few ways to test it. You can use a home testing kit or send a water sample to a lab for analysis. Some general signs can indicate whether or not water is contaminated. If the water smells bad, tastes strange, or looks cloudy or murky, it's likely not safe to drink.

How To Purify Contaminated Water?

If you have access to clean water, but your water supply becomes contaminated, there are ways to purify the water and make it safe for drinking. Getting a clean drinking water system is one way to get your water clean. There are also portable filters that can be taken with you on camping trips or other outdoor excursions.

Another way to purify contaminated water is by installing green water filtration systems in your home. These systems are designed to remove sediment from water sources such as rivers and streams. They can also reduce the occurrence of bacteria and viruses that might be present in tap water supplies by using UV light technology to kill any harmful organisms at the source before they enter your drinking supply.

Get Your Green Water Filtration Systems Today

Getting clean drinking water systems installed is the best way to ensure you're getting clean water. EV Green is one of the most reliable green companies in Vancouver, BC. We provide you with green water filtration systems so you and your family can rest assured you're getting clean water. 

Give us a call to schedule a water analysis to determine if your water is drinkable. Our team of professionals will provide you with a complete presentation of the status of your water.